LED Technology in Sport Management

November 6, 2014

El Simposium Aragonés de Gestión en el Deporte 2014 puso de manifiesto la gran evolución y posibilidades de las pantallas LED en el ámbito deportivo

The advances and expansion of LED technology over the last two centuries are indisputable. Thus, we have gone from a sporadic presence that was limited to very specific areas of the more industrialised countries in the 20th century to, in just one century, a very marked preponderance in Europe, United States, South-east Asia and some areas of Latin America and Oceania.

Such success has been possible, above all, to the large number of advantages of LED screens for different uses, areas and sectors. This is especially clear in the world of sport, where they have become a generational takeover from traditional sports scoreboards.

We highlight some of the advantages of LED screens in the area of sport below:

Versatility: many different applications (scoreboard, repetitions, communication/information, live events, television…)
Profitability: fast amortisation thanks to the income from advertising; this is one of the most profitable advertising means with fast return on investment.
Excellent visibility: even the smaller sized screens permit the display of tall digits, which can be seen from even the more distant seats.
Easy assembly and installation: thanks to its weight, simple control system and matrix modularity; this product is totally configurable, extendable and adaptable.
Moderate electrical consumption: this is achieved thanks to the use of high efficiency and high performance LEDs, and to the electronic automatic luminosity control system.
Resistance and long working life: both the screens and the control electronics are exclusively made up of high range LEDs and components.

Furthermore, thanks to the LED sport screens, the spectators’ experience is more complete, as they enable live broadcasts to be offered, as well as the repetition of the most spectacular or controversial plays, and all kinds of information in real time.

A whole world of possibilities that the R&D&I Director of Mondo Iberica, Ignacio Mercado, brought to the table during the Aragonese Symposium on Management in Sport 2014, organised by GEDA Aragon. The Symposium took place on 23 and 24 October and its objective was to reflect upon this topic and find answers to the difficulties and challenges that emerge in the daily activity of sport directors, providing them with decision-making tools.