Tailor-made LED Screens

MONDO offers a global service in its LED screen installation projects. Our team is comprised of the best professionals in the sector, providing both maintenance and after sale service.

Bespoke study

MONDO's technical department prepares a bespoke study to find the solution that best adapts to each customer's needs, so right from the onset of the project, the main characteristics and control system elements necessary, depending on the location and use that is going to be made of the LED screen, are perfectly defined.

Drawing up the LED project

Estudio personalizado de la funcionalidad de la pantalla

MONDO's engineering department studies the project peculiarities and requirements to offer a solution that adapts to the customers needs.

Our engineers define the most adequate structural elements and select the appropriate control electronics and LED model. Our technicians assess aspects such as the function the screen is going to be used for, its location and orientation, the graphic surface, weather conditions of the area or the presence of accessory or decorative elements.

Manufacture of the LED screen

Manufacture of the LED screen

At MONDO we have a mechanical design department with extensive experience and qualifications. Our LED screens are installed on sub-structures that are entirely designed and manufactured at our production centres, always following the strictest quality guidelines.

The manufacturing process of the electronic circuit boards is divided into the following stages:

  • 1. Selection of the LEDs. A homogenous selection of LEDs is made so that the luminous intensity range and tone are as identical as possible.
  • 2. Manufacture of the LED matrix boards. The LEDs and the other components are inserted into the printed circuit boards using automated machines.
  • 3. Manufacture of the control boards.
  • 4. Assembly of modules. All the boards and electronic components are mounted on the aluminium housings of the modules and verified individually.
  • 5. Colour calibration and final inspection Different quality controls are carried out in order to reduce incidents in assembly to a minimum.

Installation and training

Installation and training

A team of MONDO technicians installs the entire LED screen set at the final location. This installation entails several preliminary phases:

  • Execution of the 'electrical system'.
  • Data wiring from the control room to the LED screen.
  • Placement of the anchoring elements.
  • Placement of the motorisation system, (if this were necessary).

Once all of these elements are ready, the LED screen will be installed and finally the MONDO technical team provides training to the staff that are going to manage it.

After sales service

After sales service

MONDO offers a global service in its LED screen installation projects. Our team is made up of the best professionals in the sector, providing both maintenance and after sale service.

The maintenance of the LED screens includes regular preventive maintenance inspections and all corrective actions necessary.

MONDO will provide its customers with a telephone technical support service to answer any doubts that might arise during the handling or maintenance of equipment, following the training. A remote support service will also be offered, whereby MONDO will remotely access the control computers of the LED screen, so that any problem caused by incorrect configuration of the devices can be quickly solved.